Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eggs and Bacon

 These are the fun treats we made for 'E' Day at Preschool! This would be such a fun treat to do for a Dr.Suess party or celebration at school, home or church! You would just use green m&m's for the eggs instead. Its not exactly green eggs and ham but close enough right :) Anyway these are really easy and fun! All you need is 
1. Pretzel sticks
2. Mini Marshmallows      
3. Yellow or green M&M's
and a Microwave
I started by laying out my pretzel sticks in pairs of 2.

Next I set 1 mini mallow on top of each set of sticks, I did figure that it was a little easier to control if I did this after I set the plate in the microwave, if you don't want to you may have to fix a few once you move your plate. Then microwave for 15-25 seconds. The mallows will puff up so just watch them to make sure they don't get to out of control but you want them melted so that you can stick your M&M in.

When they come out of the microwave quickly stick your M&M into the center of your Marshmallow while it is still warm.

And there you have it. Let them cool a few minutes and your are ready to serve or package!

I packaged mine 3 in a clear bag ( they came 100 for $1.99 at Hobby Lobby) 
I stapled them shut with the 'e' die cut!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Triple Oreo Cupcakes~

These are the BEST Oreo cupcake I have ever tasted if I do say so myself. If you are afraid of a chocolate overload you could go for a Vanilla cupcake instead. IT still would be amazing! In fact I may try that next just for fun!
 You will need....
1 package of Oreo cookies ( mine are Halloween version that is why they are orange)
24 cupcake wrappers of your choice
1 Cake mix ( I used Devils Food) or your favorite cake mix recipe.
Ingredients as Directed on Cake mix if you so choose.
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Icing or Homemade icing, I used home made cream cheese Icing I will share the recipe as soon as I remember it. Its that easy.

Start by placing a full Oreo cookie in the bottom of each Cupcake Wrapper. Don't crush it or cut it. They stay crispy and it is a really nice Crunch for the cupcake and super fun surprise.
Rough Chop about half of your remaining Oreos. These can be chunky because they co in the batter.
Next mix your Cake according to directions. After you have it mixed add the rough chopped oreos to your batter and mix jut until incorporated into the batter. Maybe a minute at most. Then add your batter as usual to your cupcake tin/wrappers. On top of your whole oreo cookies. Cook according to directions.
While your cupcakes are cooking make your frosting or empty a can of frosting into a mixing bowl. Chop the remaining cookies very very fine, you can use a food processor for this part if you would like. Make sure they are nice and fine so that if you use a pastry bag and tip that the chunks won't get stuck.
When your cupcakes are done they should look a little something like this. Let them cook and Ice them and decorate as desired and then eat them. You will be IN HEAVEN! ENJOY!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Decor

So When we moved recently the amount of Square footage in our home went Down significantly but some how my decorating space went way up! Not that I am complaining, J has never been much of a nic-nak holiday decor type person, so needless to say he doesn't love me spending oodles on decorating for fall but I  Love fall decor so we improvised a little and I went to the local thrift store and got these empty glass jars. 
I started by spray painting the tops Yellow and orange. This was super simple, it might have had better coverage had I used a primer first but I kinda liked the way it looked so I left it. * I did about 3 coats of spray paint.

Using some of my FAVE glue e600 * you can find it at your local craft store or Walmart. Its good for all sorts of things you want to stick and stay stuck!

 Then I found these guys at my local dollar store and sprayed them black. * again I used 2-3 coats.

I put a ring of glue around the top.
Set the Jar on top and let it dry. * at least an hour I would say. It may stick good before that but just to be safe.
Same thing for the orange one!
Now this I Just picked up this orange plate at DI and the candle stick holder. Put glue on it and poof its fall decor!

I made the tall orange plate which I already had that and the candle stick holder, it was larger for like a pillar candle but still worked great. So here is what I Have so far, I feel like I need a few more things, maybe a runner or something to complete it.  Super easy and super cheap!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baptism Towel

I made this CTR towel for my nephew after finding this Poem online... 

My Baptism Towel

This baptism towel is to help remind you

Of your baptism day all the years through.

When you come out of the water all clean and pure,

Dry off with this towel and you can be sure,

That you are as clean as this towel is white.

And the Holy Ghost will be with you both day and night.

For the Holy Ghost is your gift after the laying on of hands,

And will be a comfort and a guide if you obey God's commands.

This CTR emblem will help remind you to be strong

As you continue to learn right from wrong.

When your towel becomes soiled, remember that we, too,

May sometimes make mistakes and we've been taught just what to do.

Just as you can wash your towel so it can again be clean,

The wrongs you make can be washed away and never again be seen.

Your Heavenly Father loves you, remember always to pray,

And He will be beside you for forever and a day. 

I am not sure who to give credit for the Poem. But it was a sweet thought and reminder. 

I made a matching Tie for him to wear also,  it took me a few hours but I was pleased with how it turned out for my first shot at appliques! I cut the letters out in my Silhouette but you could used the template of the CTR shield above if you want to give it a try. 



I like the quote for my girls, then I adapted it for myself. I thought this on the wall with a wedding photo would also be a reminder to my kids that is this the ultimate goal, that our family is forever and that one day they will also have a forever family with the person of their choice.


This Beautiful Quote hangs in the Bathroom of one of the most Christ Like nicest people I know. I love it every time I see it I try to evaluate how I act, SO why not hang it in my own home? I made this one for fall. Feel free to print it for yourself I think we could all use a little reminder to be more kind.
~ Jo

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Be Quick

This might be a little lame but I thought this was such a beautiful Quote and so relevant to many people. I thought how true it is also. If we first choose to go to our Father in Heaven instead of for me sending my problems and gossip to my friends and family on the computer and via text what a better life I would have, It would allow me to be a better person in so many ways. So in short my new goal! Be quick to Pray~
Thank you Ian S Ardern, Thank you Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for inspiring me to be a better person and reminding me that God loves me! Ah I love Conference weekend! Want to know more check out 
- Jo